
I'm Naman

Android Developer

and Problem Solver

Here are some of my projects


Introducing NotWind, the innovative notes app that leverages the power of your memory to create and store personalized notes effortlessly. With NotWind, you can harness the incredible potential of your own mind, as the app intuitively captures and organizes your thoughts, ideas, and important information. Experience a new level of productivity as NotWind seamlessly integrates with your cognitive abilities, allowing you to recall and retrieve your notes with ease. Say goodbye to scattered notes and fragmented ideas - NotWind keeps your memories securely stored within the app, ensuring privacy and convenience.

100 images to Gray Scale

Downloads 100 images from a web page Converts these 100 images to grayscale

Object Detector

Our Kotlin project is designed to unleash the power of deep learning and cutting-edge technology to accurately identify objects in images. By harnessing the strength of pre-trained models and the efficiency of Kotlin, we have created a seamless and intuitive experience for users. With just a simple capture or selection of an image, our app utilizes TensorFlow's robust capabilities to analyze and classify objects with exceptional precision.

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